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Who am I?

My name is Aliénor, I'm 19 years old and I'm passionate about photography. The reasons that pushed me to start photography are enigmatic! As a child I had a compact with which I had fun taking photos of my friends and family. Then for my birthday I asked for a "low-end" SLR to start, I learned to use it during a first trip to Vietnam (summer 2016), at that time I photographed practically everything I saw, the number of photos must have been estimated at around 5000 triggers!  Which seems really excessive to me today!  A year later I am registered in a photo club, where I was really able to learn the constitution of a photo, several techniques, and that still helps me enormously. During my first humanitarian stay in Vietnam (summer 2018), I had the chance  to be able to meet Rehahn, a very great portrait photographer. We discussed various things, during this meeting I had a certain click. I would like to convey an emotion behind each of my photos and reveal the story of each person in a look or a smile.

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